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Cartridge Item ID: #7091

Cartridge HP 46 BLACK

NOW Rp.145,000.00


Product Information:

Color(s) of printing supplies Black Ink drop 13.5 pl Ink types Pigment-based Page yield (black and white) ~1,500 pages Page yield footnote Tested in HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2520hc. Approximate average based on ISO/IEC 24711 or HP testing methodology and continuous printing. Actual yield varies considerably based on content of printed pages and other factors. […]

Item Description

Color(s) of printing supplies
Ink drop
13.5 pl
Ink types
  • Pigment-based
Page yield (black and white)
~1,500 pages
Page yield footnote
Tested in HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2520hc. Approximate average based on ISO/IEC 24711 or HP testing methodology and continuous printing. Actual yield varies considerably based on content of printed pages and other factors. For details see
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