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Cartridge Item ID: #386

Catridge BJC-20 (KW 2) Print Rite

WAS Rp.235,000.00 NOW Rp.225,000.00


Product Information:

Catridge BJC-20 (KW 2) Print Rite Specification: Compatible with BC-20; Suitable for use in: Canon S100/BJC-2000 Series/2000SP/2100/2110/2115/2120/2125/4000/4100/4200 Series/4300 Series/4310SP/4400 Series/4550/4650SP/5000/5100/5500; Multipass C30/C50/C70/C80/C545/C555/C560/C635/C2500/C3000/C3500/C5000/C5500; Faxphone B180/B210C/B230C.

Item Description

Catridge BJC-20 (KW 2) Print Rite


  • Compatible with BC-20;
  • Suitable for use in: Canon S100/BJC-2000 Series/2000SP/2100/2110/2115/2120/2125/4000/4100/4200 Series/4300 Series/4310SP/4400 Series/4550/4650SP/5000/5100/5500; Multipass C30/C50/C70/C80/C545/C555/C560/C635/C2500/C3000/C3500/C5000/C5500; Faxphone B180/B210C/B230C.
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