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Lain-Lain Item ID: #7617

Emergency Light Kenika GL3305 Rec

NOW Rp.85,000.00


Product Information:

Emergency Light Kenika GL3305 Rec 30pcs of 1800-2000MCD LED light on the body Auto-off function (when the power failure, the LED light can automatically turn on) 4 Hours for “High” light, 6 Hours for “Lower” light Recharging time: 20hours Transformer Charging, Over charge protection 12V DC car charging, solar charging is available Dimension: 54mm 45mm […]

Item Description

Emergency Light Kenika GL3305 Rec

30pcs of 1800-2000MCD LED light on the body
Auto-off function (when the power failure, the LED light can automatically turn on)
4 Hours for “High” light, 6 Hours for “Lower” light
Recharging time: 20hours
Transformer Charging, Over charge protection
12V DC car charging, solar charging is available
Dimension: 54mm 45mm 211mm
Handle, Wall Mounted
Can be with external adapter
Lumens: 120lm, Watt: 2W
1pcs 4V1.2AH sealed lead-acid battery

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