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Aksesoris Komp Item ID: #2623

Flasdisk 4GB Hp

NOW Rp.70,000.00


Product Information:

flashdisk ini mampu menyimpan berbagai macam file baik foto, audio, movie, dokumen dan lain sebagainya. Spesifikasi HP  4GB 4GB | USB Host Interface High Speed USB 2.0, compatible with USB 1.1 | Built-in LED LED on: Connected and activated | LED blinking: Data receiving or transferring

Item Description

flashdisk ini mampu menyimpan berbagai macam file baik foto, audio, movie, dokumen dan lain sebagainya.

Spesifikasi HP  4GB

4GB | USB Host Interface High Speed USB 2.0, compatible with USB 1.1 | Built-in LED LED on: Connected and activated | LED blinking: Data receiving or transferring
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