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Aksesoris Komp Item ID: #2620

Flasdisk 8GB Toshiba

NOW Rp.80,000.00


Product Information:

USB Flashdisk 8GB TOSHIBA Supported OS Windows, Mac, Linux Hi-Speed/Full-Speed USB 2.0 Disediakan soket khusus pada bagian sisi samping untuk dipasangkan ke tali gantungan Detail Spesification : Hi-Speed/Full Speed USB 2.0, Support Windows XP/Vista/7 and Mac OS 10.0.2 or Higher. Write Speed 10.8 MB/Second Read Speed 15.6 MB/Second Dimension (WHD) 51.4(L) x 21.4(W) x 8.4(H) […]

Item Description

USB Flashdisk 8GB TOSHIBA Supported OS Windows, Mac, Linux Hi-Speed/Full-Speed USB 2.0 Disediakan soket khusus pada bagian sisi samping untuk dipasangkan ke tali gantungan

Detail Spesification :

Hi-Speed/Full Speed USB 2.0, Support Windows XP/Vista/7 and Mac OS 10.0.2 or Higher.

Write Speed 10.8 MB/Second
Read Speed 15.6 MB/Second
Dimension (WHD) 51.4(L) x 21.4(W) x 8.4(H) mm
Weight 8 gram
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