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Aksesoris Komp Item ID: #1784

Headset Okaya SM 841

NOW Rp.0.00


Product Information:

Spesifikasi   Peaker = 40mm Sensitivity = 105+/-3db 1 khz Impedance = 32 Ohm Frequency response = 20Hz-20.000Hz Rated power = 20mv Cable Legth = 1.2m +/- 0.3m Plug type = 3.5mm stereo

Item Description


  • Peaker = 40mm
  • Sensitivity = 105+/-3db 1 khz
  • Impedance = 32 Ohm
  • Frequency response = 20Hz-20.000Hz
  • Rated power = 20mv
  • Cable Legth = 1.2m +/- 0.3m
  • Plug type = 3.5mm stereo
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