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Aksesoris Komp Item ID: #4563

Kabel Extension mini 1M Epro Biru

NOW Rp.20,000.00


Product Information:

Specifications 1.5m cable lenght Flexible cable design High Speed USB 2.0 data transfer rate Memiliki sebuah konektor laki-laki dan perempuanDapat memanjang hingga 1,5 MSimple dan Awet Features • One 5-foot-long (1.5 meters) USB 2.0 A-Male to A-Female high-speed extension cable • for use with printers, cameras, mice, keyboards and other USB computer peripherals • High-speed […]

Item Description


  • 1.5m cable lenght
  • Flexible cable design
  • High Speed USB 2.0 data transfer rate

Memiliki sebuah konektor laki-laki dan perempuanDapat memanjang hingga 1,5 MSimple dan Awet


• One 5-foot-long (1.5 meters) USB 2.0
A-Male to A-Female high-speed extension cable
• for use with printers, cameras, mice, keyboards and other USB computer peripherals
• High-speed data transfer up to 480 Mbits/sec
• Hot Pluggable; Allows swapping of live devices
• Extends your USB connection to your computer by 5 feet
• Compatible with any PC and Mac
• Great for transfering large collections of media or archiving
• Economical and effective
• Compliant with USB 1.0, 1.1 & 2.0 specifications

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