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Aksesoris Komp Item ID: #4814

Key + Mouse R8 1908

NOW Rp.0.00


Product Information:

Keyboard Gaming ABS plastic-Green&Enviromental Material, USB port/ PS2/USB+PS2, Waterproof & heat resistant, Key stroke life:10 million times, Compatible with Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP/VISTA/W8 LED Gaming Mouse With LED Light function and 1600DPI, ABS plastic-Green&Enviromental Material, USB Port/ PS2/USB+PS2, warna hitam/putih, Waterproof & Heat resistant, Key stroke life:10 million time, Compatible with Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP/VISTA/W8

Item Description

Keyboard Gaming ABS plastic-Green&Enviromental Material, USB port/ PS2/USB+PS2, Waterproof & heat resistant, Key stroke life:10 million times, Compatible with Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP/VISTA/W8

LED Gaming Mouse With LED Light function and 1600DPI, ABS plastic-Green&Enviromental Material, USB Port/ PS2/USB+PS2, warna hitam/putih, Waterproof & Heat resistant, Key stroke life:10 million time, Compatible with Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP/VISTA/W8
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