Selamat Datang di Website ST Komputer Jogja | Jl. Menteri Supeno No. 45 Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta (Depan Mirota) | Buka: Senin-Jumat Jam 09.00 - 20.00 | Sabtu Jam 09.00 - 16.00 | Minggu: Libur | Hotline:0851 0010 4585 | Email: Keyboard MARVO K636 « Harga Grosir Komputer

Keyboard Item ID: #7319

Keyboard MARVO K636

NOW Rp.185,000.00


Product Information:

3 color wired keyboard with backlighting [Blue/Red/Purple] Four level brightness adjustment. 10 multimedia function keys. 5 million times click life time. 19 keys work together for gaming without breakthrough (Anti Ghosting) super fast response time Surface Finished:Original ABS material 1.5mtr cable length

Item Description

3 color wired keyboard with backlighting [Blue/Red/Purple]
Four level brightness adjustment.
10 multimedia function keys.
5 million times click life time.
19 keys work together for gaming without breakthrough (Anti Ghosting)
super fast response time
Surface Finished:Original ABS material
1.5mtr cable length

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