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Aksesoris HP Item ID: #8112

Microsd Vivan 8GB C10 NA

NOW Rp.70,000.00


Product Information:

Microsd Vivan 8GB C10 NA Capacity 8GB Spped Class Class 10 Write Speed More than 10MB/S Read Speed Fastest theory speed can up to 80MB/S Feature: 1. Five years warranty 2. The write speed more than 10MB/S , the fastest theory read speed can up to 80M/S Noticethe act speed depend on your device 3. […]

Item Description

Microsd Vivan 8GB C10 NA

Capacity 8GB
Spped Class Class 10
Write Speed More than 10MB/S
Read Speed Fastest theory speed can up to 80MB/S

1. Five years warranty
2. The write speed more than 10MB/S , the fastest theory read speed can up to 80M/S
Noticethe act speed depend on your device
3. Fast Reading and Writing Speed for better performance to transfer photos,videos,music,and other media files to your smartphone or tablet extremely quick
4. Cold-resistant,hot-reistant,waterproof and shockproof

Package included:
1 x Vivan 8GB TF Card

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