Selamat Datang di Website ST Komputer Jogja | Jl. Menteri Supeno No. 45 Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta (Depan Mirota) | Buka: Senin-Jumat Jam 09.00 - 20.00 | Sabtu Jam 09.00 - 16.00 | Minggu: Libur | Hotline:0851 0010 4585 | Email: Mous Wireles Advance 501.C « Harga Grosir Komputer

Aksesoris Komp Item ID: #4940

Mous Wireles Advance 501.C

NOW Rp.60,000.00


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Product Information:

Spesifikasi :* Jarak wireless 10m* 2.4G wireless technology* Mini Reciver* Resolution 800/1200/1600 DPI* Compatible with :– Windows 2000/XP/Vista,– Windows 7/8/10,– MAC os,– Linux/Android– USB Port

Item Description

Spesifikasi :
* Jarak wireless 10m
* 2.4G wireless technology
* Mini Reciver
* Resolution 800/1200/1600 DPI
* Compatible with :
– Windows 2000/XP/Vista,
– Windows 7/8/10,
– MAC os,
– Linux/Android
– USB Port

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