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Aksesoris Komp Item ID: #4978

Sandisk Cruzer Edge 8gb

NOW Rp.75,000.00


Product Information:

The Cruzer Edge USB Flash Drive features a sleek, streamlined design that easily slips into your pocket. You can retract the USB connector using the Flash Drive’s slider, protecting it from damage when it’s not in use. The Flash Drive also has a stylish black and red finish that coordinates with many electronic devices. Adding […]

Item Description

The Cruzer Edge USB Flash Drive features a sleek, streamlined design that easily slips into your pocket. You can retract the USB connector using the Flash Drive's slider, protecting it from damage when it's not in use. The Flash Drive also has a stylish black and red finish that coordinates with many electronic devices.

Adding files to the Cruzer Edge USB Flash Drive is easy: just plug it into your computer's USB port and drag files into the drive's folder. No additional drivers or software are necessary, so you can store, transport, and share your data immediately
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