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USB Hub Item ID: #7667

USB HUB Digigear 4 Port 3.0

NOW Rp.80,000.00


Product Information:

Deskripsi DIGIGEAR USB HUB 3.0 4 PORT USB HUB 3.0 4 Ports by DIGIGEAR Mempunyai keunikan sendiri dengan setiap lubang hub terdapat saklar sendiri. Fitur: USB : 3.0 (backward compatible dgn 2.0) LED indication and switch on-off Support up to 3 TB HDD external Support up to 5Gbps Speed Power : 12v-2.5a Dimension : 21 […]

Item Description


USB HUB 3.0 4 Ports by DIGIGEAR

Mempunyai keunikan sendiri dengan setiap lubang hub terdapat saklar sendiri.


USB : 3.0 (backward compatible dgn 2.0)
LED indication and switch on-off
Support up to 3 TB HDD external
Support up to 5Gbps Speed
Power : 12v-2.5a
Dimension : 21 x 13 x 3.5 cm
Cord length 1.2 meter
Color : white and black
Packaging mika

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