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Aksesoris HP Item ID: #8291

Kabel Digigear Micro 5 Pin Game

NOW Rp.40,000.00


Product Information:

Kabel Digigear Micro 5 Pin Game Merek: DIGIGEAR Bahan: Metal Shell and Polyester Woven Fabric Output: 5V/2.4A Max Cocok dengan: perangkat port Micro 5 pin Support Fast Charging QC3.0 Length : approx 100CM

Item Description

Kabel Digigear Micro 5 Pin Game

Bahan: Metal Shell and Polyester Woven Fabric
Output: 5V/2.4A Max
Cocok dengan: perangkat port Micro 5 pin
Support Fast Charging QC3.0
Length : approx 100CM

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